This will be my first year getting to school shop for a girl. I raised 3 boys so this girl thing is new to me....and I am pretty darn excited about it!
I figured she will need cute shoes for all her cute outfits and what a cute and inexpensive way to do it by painting some CHEAP (I said I only do cheap) shoes I found at Wal-Mart.
And these shoes have many colors....which means they can go with MANY outfits!! I LOVE when that happens!!
So here we go......
I started with some CHEAP shoes ($4.97) and fabric markers ($6).
Both found at Wal-Mart
I then did a boo-boo.....
I seen online about using fabric paint and "smearing" it on the shoes to make a tie-dye looking effect- by wetting the shoes, adding the paint and then smear with your finger.. I did that and it was super cute but the paint faded too much and it could hardly be seen. I WILL try that one again! So instead of having "ruined" shoes.....I decided to paint little hearts and polka dots on them. You can faintly see the smeared effect.
I then started painting hearts on the front half and polka dots on the back half.....see how simple that was.
Once that was done I added some paint to the stitching areas.
VOILA.....done and super cute.
I will probably add some cute and colorful shoe strings later on.
As you can see I used several these shoes will be able to go with a LOT of cute outfits.
I LOVE these types of shoes. They're cute with jeans, shorts, and even sundresses and skirts.
This was my first time using fabric paints....I see MANY more projects in the future for this MeMe.
I hope you enjoyed this and I'd love to see what you come up with.
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